Yes! Yes! Yes!
I know what all ye weight watchers are thinking o …..pls be Calming down! I’m not asking you to eat chocolates until you become obese or fall out of shape, I’m saying a “Minibar” of dark chocolate daily is fairly enough to trigger an orgasm. Especially the darker varieties.
Studies reveal that women who eat chocolate daily lead more sexually satisfying sex lives and this is because, “Chocolate contains a chemical called phenethylamine that triggers feelings of relaxation, intoxication, and pleasure. It releases mood-boosting, stress-reducing serotonin and stimulates physical contact desires, and lowers inhibitions,” as explained by endocrinologist Dr. Pankaj Aggarwal.
And uncles, if you also decide to spread the chocolate on her as you feast a storm, I’m not mad, Lol
Tag those chocolate stores, chocolate lovers, and the people who should see this post and run away o
#Dontworry #Youresavinglivesbytaggingthem Lol
Gbògbò wà làmà jè Chocolate o
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